Collection API2

Get a list of Collections

This method will return all collections within a collection “folder”. To iterate for sub-collections you will need to call this method each time.


Method name Returns
getcollections Record set

Input Parameter

Parameter Description Type Required Sample Input
api_key A valid api key String yes 54592180-7060-4D4B-BC74-2566F4B2F943
folderid The ID of the collection folder you want to retrieve collections from. String yes 2 As of Razuna 1.5.5 you can also pass in a list of folderid’s like: 1,34,234 Razuna 1.5.5 Hosted Edition since 16.12.2012
released Query collections according to released status String no Empty value (default)true false Razuna 1.5.5 Hosted Edition since 10.03.2012

Output Value

Name Description Sample Output
col_id ID of the collection 212
change_date Date of the last change to this collection
col_name Name of collection My collection
collection_description Description My collection description Razuna 1.5.5 (hosted edition 12.11.2012)
collection_keywords Keywords My keywords Razuna 1.5.5 (hosted edition 16.12.2012)
col_released Status of release true Razuna 1.5.5 (hosted edition 10.03.2012)
col_copied_from If copied parent collection ID 108 Razuna 1.5.5 (hosted edition 10.03.2012)
totalassets How many assets are in this collection 8
totalaimg How many images are in this collection 5
totalavid How many videos are in this collection 2
totaladoc How many documents are in this collection 1
totalaud How many audios are in this collection 3

REST: Sample Request


Sample Output

 30 2012 00:00:00","chakra
collection",0,0,0,0,0],["A6CE649FAA5F434EB513CA15656AB5AA","March, 15
2012 00:00:00","Marketing Material March

Output format :Remember you can adjust the output dynamically. The API returns JSON by default. For record sets it defaults to a ROW based set, if you need COLUMNS simply append “&BDQUERYFORMAT=column” to your call. In case, you need JSONP you want to append “&BDRETURNFORMAT=jsonp&callback=?”. In order to retrieve XML (WDDX) you simply need to append “&__BDRETURNFORMAT=wddx”.

Retrieving all assets in a collection


Method name Returns
getassets Record set

Input Parameter

Parameter Description Type Required Sample Input
api_key A valid api_key String yes 54592180-7060-4D4B-BC74-2566F4B2F943
collectionid The ID of the collection you want to retrieve assets from. String yes 1

Output Value

Name Description Sample Output
Response A result code with the status of the login. If the result is 0 the method was successful. 0
calledwith The collection id you called this method 1
totalassetscount How many assets are in this folder 8
different value fields Each record with is lists see sample output

Updates : As of Razuna 1.5.5 (hosted edition since 30.01.2013) the additional column “rendition_id” and “rendition_url” are being returned, also.

REST: Sample Request


Sample Output

 Affliction LA Lookbook
 is a

Output Format : Remember you can adjust the output dynamically. The API returns JSON by default. For record sets it defaults to a ROW based set, if you need COLUMNS simply append “&BDQUERYFORMAT=column” to your call. In case, you need JSONP you want to append “&BDRETURNFORMAT=jsonp&callback=?”. In order to retrieve XML (WDDX) you simply need to append “&__BDRETURNFORMAT=wddx”.


Availability : Search for collections is available as of Razuna 1.5.5 and on the Hosted Edition as of 16.12.2012! As of Razuna 1.5.5 (hosted edition since 16.12.2012) the column “colid” holds the collection ID(s) the file might be in.


Method name Returns
search Record set

Input Parameter

Parameter Description Type Required Sample Input
api_key A valid api_key String yes 54592180-7060-4D4B-BC74-2566F4B2F943
id ID of a collection String no 1
name Name String no my collection
description Description String no my description
keyword Keyword String no my keyword
released String no true false

(Name, description and keywords searches will be made as “wildcard” searches. Technically, a SQL LIKE and adding “%”)

Output Value

The search will return the exact output as the getcollection() method!

REST: Sample Request


Output format : Remember you can adjust the output dynamically. The API returns JSON by default. For record sets it defaults to a ROW based set, if you need COLUMNS simply append “&BDQUERYFORMAT=column” to your call. In case, you need JSONP you want to append “&BDRETURNFORMAT=jsonp&callback=?”. In order to retrieve XML (WDDX) you simply need to append “&__BDRETURNFORMAT=wddx”.